Magali Reus at The Approach, London
John Stezaker at The Approach, London
Rezi van Lankveld at The Approach, London
Camille Blatrix at Balice Hertling, Paris
Puppies Puppies at Balice Hertling, Paris
Puppies Puppies at Balice Hertling, Paris
Andre Cadere at Hervé Bize, Nancy
Andre Cadere at Hervé Bize, Nancy
Andre Cadere at Hervé Bize, Nancy
Udomsak Krisanamis at Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York/Rome
Lionel Maunz at Bureau, New York
Patricia Treib at Bureau, New York
Katherine Bradford at Canada, New York
Darja Bajagic at CARLOS/ISHIKAWA, London
Sam Anderson at Chapter NY, New York
Willa Nasatir at Chapter NY, New York
Julia Wachtel at Elizabeth Dee, New York
Joan Wallace at Elizabeth Dee, New York
Disko Girls (Anonymous) at Delmes & Zander, Cologne/Berlin
Eugene Von Bruenchenhein at Fleisher/Ollman, Philadelphia
Sarah Gamble at Fleisher Ollman, Fleisher/Ollman, Philadelphia
Diena Georgetti at Fleisher Ollman, Fleisher/Ollman, Philadelphia
DAS INSTITUT and Allison Katz at Freedman Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles
Lucie Stahl at Freedman Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles
Madison Rossetti at Freedman Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles
Vittorio Brodmann at Freedman Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy at Freedman Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles
Despina Stokou at Derek Eller, New York
Nancy Shaver at Derek Eller, New York
Nancy Shaver at Derek Eller, New York
Nancy Shaver at Derek Eller, New York
Kelly Akashi at Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles
Kelly Akashi at Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles
Kelly Akashi at Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles
Sayre Gomez at Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles
Neil Beloufa at Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles
Kathleen Ryan at Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles
Anna Betbeze at Jay Gorney, New York
Anna Betbeze at Jay Gorney, New York
Nikki Maloof at Jack Hanley, New York
Michael Dean at Herald St, London
Michael Dean at Herald St, London
Michael Dean at Herald St, London
Michael Dean at Herald St, London
Michael Dean at Herald St, London
Michael Dean at Herald St, London
Scott Treleaven at Invisible Exports, New York
Jonathan Berger at JTT, New York
Jonathan Berger at JTT, New York
Ted Stamm at Karma, New York
Ted Stamm at Karma, New York
Ted Stamm at Karma, New York
David Shrigley at Anton Kern Gallery, New York
David Shrigley at Anton Kern Gallery, New York
Sam Anderson at Tanya Leighton, Berlin
Sam Anderson at Tanya Leighton, Berlin
Sam Anderson at Tanya Leighton, Berlin
Sam Anderson at Tanya Leighton, Berlin
Ryan Foester at Martos, New York
Jory Rabinovitz at Martos, New York
Jory Rabinovitz at Martos, New York
Christian Kosmas Mayer at Galerie Mezzanin, Geneva
Christian Kosmas Mayer at Galerie Mezzanin, Geneva
Christian Kosmas Mayer at Galerie Mezzanin, Geneva
GCC at Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York
Ana Cardoso at Múrias Centeno, Lisbon/Porto
Ana Cardoso at Múrias Centeno, Lisbon/Porto
John Miller at Nagel Draxler, Cologne/Berlin
Charline von Heyl at Nagel Draxler, Cologne/Berlin
Yngve Holen at Neue Alte Brucke, Frankfurt
Eliza Douglas at Neue Alte Brucke, Frankfurt
Margnus Andersen at Neue Alte Brucke, Frankfurt
Dirk Stewen at Maureen Paley, London
Paulo Nimer Pjota at Maureen Paley
Melike Kara at Peres Projects, Berlin
Melike Kara at Peres Projects, Berlin
Melike Kara at Peres Projects, Berlin
Tatiana Trouve at Galerie Perrotin, Paris/New York
Tatiana Trouve at Galerie Perrotin, Paris/New York
Stefan Tcherepnin at Francesca Pia, Zurich
Kaspar Muller at Francesca Pia, Zurich
Kaspar Muller at Francesca Pia, Zurich
Juliana Huxtable at Project Native Informant, London
Chip Hughes at Kerry Schuss, New York
Chip Hughes at Kerry Schuss, New York
Giorgio Andreotta Calo at Sprovieri, London
Ilya & Emilia Kabakov at Sprovieri, London
Thea Djordjadze at Sprüth Magers, Berlin/London/Los Angeles
Kaari Upson at Sprüth Magers, Berlin/London/Los Angeles
Devan Shimoyama at Stems Gallery, Brussels
Devan Shimoyama at Stems Gallery, Brussels
Derrick Adams at Tilton Gallery, New York
Derrick Adams at Tilton Gallery, New York
Landon Metz at VI VII, Oslo
Ervin Loffler at VI VII, Olso
Derrick Alexis Coard at White Columns, New York
Emheyo Bahabba at White Columns, New York