Ungestalt at Kunsthalle Basel

Artists: Caroline Achaintre, Olga Balema, Joachim Bandau, Trisha Donnelly, Marcel Duchamp, Michaela Eichwald, Pakui Hardware, Florence Jung, Eric N. Mack, Liz Magor, Park McArthur, Nathalie Perrin, Tomo Savić- Gecan, Lucie Stahl, Alina Szapocznikow, Adrián Villar Rojas

Exhibition title: Ungestalt

Venue: Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Date: May 15 – August 13, 2017

Photography: Philipp Hänger, images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kunsthalle Basel

Note: Press release can be found here

Site Visit at Kunstverein Freiburg

Artists and guests: Aaron Angell, Stephan Dillemuth, Harm van den Dorpel, Louise Guerra, It’s Our Playground, Mirak Jamal, Angela Jerardi & Antonia Lotz, Amy Lien & Enzo Camacho, Chus Martínez, New Noveta, Pakui Hardware, Lukas Quietzsch, Berthold Reiß, Philipp Simon, Dominik Sittig, Santiago Taccetti, Susanne M. Winterling

Exhibition title: Site Visit

Curated by: Heinrich Dietz

Venue: Kunstverein Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

Date: March 24 – July 23, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kunstverein Freiburg