Naked Name at Derosia

Artists: Ben R. Clement, Magalie Comeau, E’wao Kagoshima, Leah Ke Yi Zheng, Beaux Mendes, Elizabeth Orr, Richard Rezac, Kern Samuel, Emma Rose Schwartz, Yui Yaegashi

Exhibition title: Naked Name

Venue: Derosia, New York, US

Date: June 28 – July 27, 2024

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Derosia, New York

Em Rooney at Derosia

Artist: Em Rooney

Exhibition title: Imagined Beauty Begins Now

Venue: Derosia, New York, US

Date: May 2 – June 22, 2024

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Derosia, New York

Gene Beery at Derosia

Artist: Gene Beery

Exhibition title: Practice Quotidian Ecstasy

Venue: Derosia, New York, US

Date: March 26 – April 27, 2024

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Derosia, New York