Thank you, I’m rested now. I’ll have the lobster today, thank you at Pangée and Margot Samel

Artists: Christina Barrera, Polina Barskaya, Nadia Belerique, Nicholas Bierk, Cristine Brache, Greg Carideo, Cathleen Clarke, Alexandre Guay, Olivia Jia, Grace Kalyta, Claudia Keep, Kris Lemsalu, Bertha Leonard, Claire Milbrath, Narcissister, Elisabeth Perrault, Mary-Audrey Ramirez, Emma Schwartz, Marion Wagschal

Exhibition title: Thank you, I’m rested now. I’ll have the lobster today, thank you

Venue: Pangée, Montreal, Canada and Margot Samel, New York, US

Date: June 26 – July 26, 2024

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, Pangée, Montreal and Margot Samel, New York

documento​ at Embajada

Artists: ASMA, Alex Becerra, Daniel Boccato, Cristine Brache, Wendy Cabrera Rubio, Matteo Callegari, Antoine Carbonne, Guanina Cotto, Taína Cruz, Emily Davidson, Danielle De Jesús, Larissa De Jesús Negrón, Débora Delmar, Maggie Ellis, Cielo Felix-Hernández, Peter Fend, Juan “Jufe” Fernández, Elizabeth Ferry, Radamés “Juni” Figueroa, Al Freeman, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Vartiko Garcia, Jorge González, Sebastián Gutiérrez, Vanessa Gully Santiago, Vanessa Hernández-Gracia, Karlo Andrei Ibarra, Alana Iturralde, Elizabeth Jaeger, Daniel Lind-Ramos, Stuart Lorimer, Raúl Martínez, Adriana Martínez, Josué Mejía, Elsa María Meléndez, Manuel Mendoza Sánchez, Joiri Minaya, Jesús “Bubu” Negrón, Jonny Negrón, Nora Maité Nieves, Margaux Ogden, Juan Antonio Olivares, Ángel Otero, Kivan Quiñones, Paul Ramírez Jonas, Chemi Rosado-Seijo, Claudia Peña Salinas, Curtis Talwst Santiago, Irgin Sena, Yiyo Tirado, Gabriella Torres Ferrer, Rafael Vega, Chloe Wilcox, Alberto Zayas Montilla

Exhibition title: documento​

Venue: Embajada, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Date: October 31, 2020 – February 6, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Embajada, San Juan

the little baby show at 315 Gallery

Artists: Jillian Mayer, Rachel Rossin, Flannery Silva, Cristine Brache, Loney Abrams, Johnny Stanish, Brian Kokoska, Heather Leigh McPherson, Marlene Frontera, Aria McManus, Raine Trainor

Exhibition title: the little baby show

Curated by: Cecilia Salama

Venue: 315 Gallery, New York, US

Date: June 1 – July 1, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and 315 Gallery, New York