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Ludger Gerdes at Stadthausgalerie Münster
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Corinne Jones at Tops Gallery
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John Miller at Kunsthaus Glarus
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Onder ons at CIAP

Artists: Billie Zangewa, Atelier Van Lieshout, Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys, Marina Pinsky, Wermke & Leinkauf, Jef Geys, Lara Ögel, Apparatus 22, Kasia Fudakowski, Martijn Hendriks, Mika Rottenberg, Raffaella Crispino, Henrique Nascimento, Olivier Goethals, Army of Love & Casco, Gerard Herman, Monica Bonvicini

Exhibition title: Onder ons

Curated by: Evelyn Simons and Isabel Van Bos

Venue: CIAP, Hasselt, Belgium

Date: March 8 – May 14, 2017

Photography: Kristof Vranken, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and CIAP, Hasselt

Note: Exhibition booklet can be found here


Missing Light
Sandra Mujinga

In Sandra Mujinga’s “ Every Shadow is the Shadow of Something ”, an avatar is shown being multiplied into a myriad versions that fade in and out of sight and appear to morph into each other and disseminate. The multiple bodies form a pulsing, but also fragile mass, that feels like it could break apart at any moment, but at the same time we are repeatedly confronted with the direct gaze of the avatar’s eyes, breaking with the objecthood of the infinitely multiplied body in flashes of lucid subjectivity. Meanwhile 4 video loops are showing different ways of being in transit, states of indeterminacy. Taking the airport as an image of the ultimate site of indeterminacy, where one at the same time can go anywhere, and also be practically imprisoned, the double exposure of entrapments into never-ending loops disguising as infinite possibilities. Coming from an overarching theme of shadows, as that which is neither light nor dark but the product of both, attaining a substance, however ephemeral, of its own, the body multiple, the poly-body, that both in the physical and digital world is multiplied, displaced, moved, and as an answer multiplies itself, moves itself, displaces itself. Like sitting in an airplane is both the ultimate freedom, and at the same time the least free one can be. On an airplane one is no-where, the body is suspended, not only between the sites of departure and arrival, but also suspended between the source of light and the surface of projection.

Sandra Mujinga, born in 1989, Goma DR Congo, is a Norwegian artist who, while having been mostly active in Malmö and Oslo, is currently based in Berlin. Recent exhibitions include: Lovely Hosts, Mavra in Berlin, Real Friends at Oslo Kunstforening and group shows ‘Missed Connections’ at Julia Stoschek Collection in Düsseldorf,Norwegian Sculpture Biennale, APPARAT – Technologies of Persuasion, Kunstverein Braunschweig and Subject, Malmö Konsthall