Alfred Boman at ISSUES
Alfred Boman at ISSUES
Marko Obradović and Jelena Visković at Eugster || Belgrade
Marko Obradović and Jelena Visković at Eugster || Belgrade
Biraaj Dodiya and Cezary Poniatowski at Galerie Derouillon
Biraaj Dodiya and Cezary Poniatowski at Galerie Derouillon
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Work it, feel it! at Kunsthalle Wien

Artists: Apparatus 22, Hannah Black, Danilo Correale, Juliette Goiffon, Charles Beauté, Louise Hervé, Chloé Maillet, Shawn Maximo, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Toni Schmale, Romana Schmalisch, Robert Schlicht, Visible Solutions

Exhibition title: Work it, feel it!

Curated by: Anne Faucheret, Eva Meran

Venue: Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria

Date: March 22 – May 28, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kunsthalle Wien

Note: Exhibition booklet can be found here

ARTIFICIAL TEARS. Singularity & Humanness—A Speculation at MAK

Artists: Jean-Marie Appriou, Dora Budor, Mariechen Danz, Aleksandra Domanović, Cécile B. Evans, Genghis Khan Fabrication Co., Daiga Grantina, Matt Mullican, Sean Raspet, Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld, Jeremy Shaw, Kiki Smith, Clemens von Wedemeyer

Exhibition title: ARTIFICIAL TEARS. Singularity & Humanness—A Speculation

Curated by: Marlies Wirth

Venue: MAK (MAK Exhibition Hall), Vienna, Austria

Date: June 21 – October 1, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and MAK, Vienna

Sticky Fingers at Arsenal Contemporary NYC

Artists: Meriem Bennani, Elizabeth Jaeger, Wanda Koop, Piotr Łakomy, An Te Liu, Elizabeth McIntosh, Caroline Mesquita, Louise Sartor

Exhibition title: Sticky Fingers

Curated by: Martha Kirszenbaum

Venue: Arsenal Contemporary NYC, New York, US

Date: July 14 – September 6, 2017

Photography: Greg Carideo, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Arsenal Contemporary NYC