Artists: Nathalie Du Pasquier, Aggtelek, Erik Niedling, Katharina Marszewski, Martin Kohout, Patrick Panetta Venue: EXILE at LISTE 2015, Basel, Switzerland Date:  June 15 – 21, 2015 Photography: images courtesy of the artists and EXILE EXILE’S group presentation at LISTE art fair re-envisions the exhibition Homo Decorans from 1985. Homo Decorans – det dekorerende menneske was an exhibition at … Read more

John Roebas and Eric Veit at Jack Hanley Gallery

Artists: John Roebas and Eric Veit Exhibition title: A passionate history of linguistic accomplishemnts Venue:  Jack Hanley Gallery, New York, US Date:  May 29 — June 28, 2015 Photography: images courtesy of the artists and Jack Hanley Gallery, New York What can sometimes pass, at the conjunction of distinct materials say, Atlantic triton, brass, copal resin, beeswax, … Read more

David Bestué and Gabriele De Santis at Junefirst

Artists: David Bestué and Gabriele De Santis Exhibition title: Upbeat Heights Venue:  Junefirst, Berlin, Germany Date:  June 20 – July 20, 2015 Photography: images courtesy of the artists and Junefirst, Berlin Upbeat Heights is a zone of optimistic operations, a small hill in the terrain from which to look at the way things and words behave … Read more


Artists: Eloise Hawser, Than Hussein Clark,  Amy Yao, Mark van Yetter Venue: VI, VII at LISTE 2015, Basel, Switzerland Date:  June 15 – 21, 2015 Photography: images courtesy of the artists and VI, VII, Oslo Than Hussein Clark Than Hussein Clark Eloise Hawser Eloise Hawser Than Hussein Clark Mark van Yetter Mark van Yetter Amy Yao Amy Yao Amy … Read more