20 Years Show at The Approach

Artists: Phillip Allen, Helene Appel, Sara Barker, Heidi Bucher, Sophie Bueno-Boutellier, Patrick Caulfield, Stuart Cumberland, Peter Davies, Patrick Hill, Evan Holloway, Allison Katz, Germaine Kruip, Rezi van Lankveld, Jack Lavender, Bill Lynch, Dave Muller, Lisa Oppenheim, Magali Reus, Amanda Ross-Ho, John Stezaker, Evren Tekinoktay, Sara VanDerBeek, Gary Webb, Sam Windett

Exhibition title: 20 Years Show

Venue: The Approach, London, UK

Date: July 6 – August 6, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and The Approach, London

Note: Press release can be found here

Megan Plunkett at Emalin

Artist: Megan Plunkett

Exhibition title: I bet you wish you did and I know I do

Venue: Emalin, London, UK

Date: June 24 – July 29, 2017

Photography: Lewis Ronald, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Emalin


Artist: Paul Becker, Chris Fite-Wassilak, Nadia Hebson, Ghislaine Leung, Sophie Macpherson, Francesco Pedraglio, Natasha Soobramanien, Eleanor Wright, Sam Watson

Exhibition title: CHOREOGRAPHY

Venue: Arcade, London, UK

Date: June 9 – July 29, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Arcade, London