Artists: Caroline Achaintre, Johanna Von Monkiewitsch, Marie Karlberg, Yves Scherer, Marcin Dudek, Lisa Tiemann, Renata De Bonis, Tina Lechner, Konrad Smolenski, Nika Neelova, Florian Auer, Habima Fuchs, Cristina Garrido, Ohlsson/Dit-Cilinn, Peter Bartoš, Nick Oberthaler

Venue: DAMA, Turin, Italy

Exhibitors: Arcade, London; Berthold Pott, Cologne; Bonny Poon, Paris; Cassina Projects, New York; Edel Assanti, London; Fiebach, Minninger, Cologne; Giorgio Galotti, Turin; Hubert Winter, Vienna; Leto, Warsaw; Osnova, Moscow; Piktogram, Warsaw; SVIT, Prague; The Goma, Madrid; Siliqoon, Milan, Tenderpixel, London; Furiosa, Monte Carlo

Date: November 1 – 4, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, galleries and DAMA

Claire Fontaine at T293

Artist: Claire Fontaine

Exhibition title: Tutto è comune (Everything is Common)

Venue: T293, Rome, Italy

Date: September 29 – October 30, 2018

Photography: Roberto Apa / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and T293, Rome