Katharina Marszewski at EXILE


Artist: Katharina Marszewski

Exhibition title: Unnecessary Warsaw Correspondent

Venue: EXILE, Berlin, Germany

Date: October 13 – November 17, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and EXILE, Berlin

Note: a conversation between Melissa Canbaz and Katharina Marszewski can be found here



To Lie In The Cheese, To Smile In The Butter at KUNSTSAELE Berlin


Artists: Magnus Andersen, Vittorio Brodmann, Verena Dengler, David Douard, Leon Eisermann, Heike-Karin Föll, Ellen Gronemeyer, HC, Okka-Esther Hungerbühler, Tom Kummer, Claudia Lemke, Michaela Meise, Frances Stark, Josef Strau, Pascal Tassini, Peter Wächtler

Exhibition title: To Lie In The Cheese, To Smile In The Butter

Curated by: Kate Brown and Maurin Dietrich

Venue: KUNSTSAELE Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Date: September 9 – November 15, 2016

Photography: Frank Sperling, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and KUNSTSAELE Berlin



You are mean to me when you wake up at three… at Neumeister Bar-Am

NBA_Der Würfel_Juliaan Andeweg

Artists: Juliaan Andeweg, Adam Cruces, Sinae Yoo

Exhibition title: You are mean to me when you wake up at three…

Curated by: Domenico de Chirico

Venue: Neumeister Bar-Am, Berlin, Germany

Date: September 10 – November 12, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Neumeister Bar-Am, Berlin

NBA_Der Würfel_01

NBA_Der Würfel_Sinae Yoo