How my mom got hacked at DASH

Artists: Aline Bouvy, Adam Cruces, Tilman Hornig, Nicolas Pelzer Exhibition title: How my mom got hacked  Venue: DASH, Kortrijk, Belgium Date: October 17 – November 14, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and DASH, Kortrijk Aline Bouvy, The extensibility of all objects and creatures in the universe, 2015 Tilman Hornig, Pro Work ( TXT … Read more

Aline Bouvy and Simon Davenport at Kunstraum

Artists: Aline Bouvy and Simon Davenport Exhibition title: New Pabulum Curated by: Juste Kostikovaite Venue:  Kunstraum, London, UK Date:  September 6 – October 10, 2015 Photography: Oskar Proctor, images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kunstraum, London TO DO LIST: Establish “Wet Nurse Café” Re-domesticate quinoa grains in the Andes Pull out the overgrown pine … Read more

Aline Bouvy at Exo Exo

Artist: Aline Bouvy Exhibition title: Sorry I slept with your dog Venue: Exo Exo, Paris, France Date: July 9 – July 16, 2015 Photography: images courtesy of the artist and Exo Exo, Paris Beg to bend over III, 2015 Not much in my pockets, 2015 Not much in my pockets, 2015 (detail) Not much in … Read more