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HEAT COMPANY at After Howl

Heat Company After Howl-13

Artists: Cyril Baldi, Ludovic Beillard, François Bousquet, Manuela Braud, Baptiste Brunello, Arthur Calloud, Amaury Daurel, Victor Delestre, Sybille Deligne, Morgan Dulong, Miguel Goncalves, Lea Guldditte Hestelund, Coraline Guilbeau, François De Jonge, Romain Juan, Tom Król, Sukrii Kural, Rémi Lambert, Guillaume Lambot, Lucas Lejeune, Tilman O’Donnell, Vasilis Papageorgiou, Marie Sardin, Rémy Tith, Cecile Ullerup Schmidt, Maja Moesgaard, Anders Bulow, Hannah Heilmann, Asbjørn Skou

Exhibition title: HEAT COMPANY

Curated by: After Howl, Carl Martin Faurby, Komplot, Deborah Bowmann

Venue: After Howl, Brussels, Belgium

Date: April 23 – May 7, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, After Howl, Carl Martin Faurby, Deborah Bowmann, Fabian Home, Komplot, Super Structure

Heat Company After Howl-1

Heat Company After Howl-14