Biraaj Dodiya and Cezary Poniatowski at Galerie Derouillon
Biraaj Dodiya and Cezary Poniatowski at Galerie Derouillon
patricia kaersenhout at Kunstverein Braunschweig
patricia kaersenhout at Kunstverein Braunschweig
Julia Scher at DREI
Julia Scher at DREI
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20 Years Show at The Approach

Artists: Phillip Allen, Helene Appel, Sara Barker, Heidi Bucher, Sophie Bueno-Boutellier, Patrick Caulfield, Stuart Cumberland, Peter Davies, Patrick Hill, Evan Holloway, Allison Katz, Germaine Kruip, Rezi van Lankveld, Jack Lavender, Bill Lynch, Dave Muller, Lisa Oppenheim, Magali Reus, Amanda Ross-Ho, John Stezaker, Evren Tekinoktay, Sara VanDerBeek, Gary Webb, Sam Windett

Exhibition title: 20 Years Show

Venue: The Approach, London, UK

Date: July 6 – August 6, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and The Approach, London

Note: Press release can be found here

Megan Plunkett at Emalin

Artist: Megan Plunkett

Exhibition title: I bet you wish you did and I know I do

Venue: Emalin, London, UK

Date: June 24 – July 29, 2017

Photography: Lewis Ronald, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Emalin

Rafa Forteza at L21 Gallery

Artist: Rafa Forteza

Exhibition title: Cuando el pie encontró su cabeza (When the foot found its head)

Venue: L21 Gallery, Mallorca, Spain

Date: June 28 – September 7, 2017

Photography: Natasha Lebedeva and John Forest, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and L21 Gallery, Mallorca