Christoph Büchel at Fondazione Prada
Christoph Büchel at Fondazione Prada
Caroline Mesquita at HAB Galerie
Caroline Mesquita at HAB Galerie
Karlos Martínez Bordoy at Okela Kultur Elkartea
Karlos Martínez Bordoy at Okela Kultur Elkartea
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Mandy El-Sayegh at Bétonsalon Centre d’art et de recherche

Artist: Mandy El-Sayegh

Exhibition title: Ser, sin serlo

Curated by: Mélanie Bouteloup

Venue: Bétonsalon Centre d’art et de recherche, Paris, France

Date: September 17 – December 14, 2019

Photography: All photographs copyright and courtesy the artist and Bétonsalon Centre d’art et de recherche

Note: Exhibition booklet is available here. Floor plan is available here

Patricia Belli at Villa Vassilieff

Artist: Patricia Belli

Exhibition title: Ser, sin serlo

Curated by: Camille Chenais

Venue: Villa Vassilieff, Pernod Ricard Fellowship, Paris, France

Date: September 17 – December 14, 2019

Photography: All photographs copyright and courtesy the artist and Villa Vassilieff, Pernod Ricard Fellowship, Paris

Note: Exhibition booklet is available here. Floor plan is available here

Cruise Kidman Kubrick at Maria Bernheim

Artists: Bailey Scieszka, Miriam Laura Leonardi, Valerie Keane, Rico Weber, Ebecho Muslimova, Sitara Abuzar Ghaznawi, Denis Savary, Sarah Slappey, Kyle Dunn, Juan Antonio Olivares, Andrea Fourchy, Stewart Uoo, Doris Guo

Exhibition title: Cruise Kidman Kubrick

Curated by: Mitchell Anderson

Venue: Maria Bernheim, Zürich, Switzerland

Date: October 25 – December 21, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Maria Bernheim