
kinship at KIN, Brussels

Kinship At Kin, Brussels 23

Exhibition press release is available here

kinship is the first group exhibition at KIN. It brings together a selection of works from 35 artists under the leitmotif of the gallery’s founding principle. In definition, kinship refers to the relationships within a community or a family. The structure that defines these connections, through blood or communion, is an organisational tool that gives form and arrangement to the society in which we are participants. Outside of a family union, a kin structure can look like a sorority or a sports club.

kinship is not a thematic exhibition in the standard sense; instead the exhibition foregrounds connection as a generative motor grounded in a visual vernacular. This question of connection, of how we find, make, and remake our relations with others, is explored across a variety of mediums that touch on far-ranging themes, from the generation of empathy to the origins of intimacy and theorizations on the beginning of time. Sometimes this emerges through domestic motifs or in the adaptation of unique spatial registers that belong to the urban landscape. The insistence on connection is the insistence that all manifestations come to represent distinct layers in the wider network of our linkages. The idea is to consider the space of others in structured living, whether through fantasy or representations of reality, across enclosed zones of intimacy and polity.

kinship brings together a selection of emerging and established artistic practices with works produced between 1983 up until 2024. The exhibition is a tribute to friendship and connection made manifest across our work and our relations.

Micaela Dixon, Nicolaus Schafhausen & Inès-Gabrielle Tourlet Ordoñez

The show includes:
Sâadane Afif,Yalda Afsah,Guillaume Bijl,Kasper Bosmans,Ryan Cullen,Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys,Edith Dekyndt,Willem de Rooij,Brenda Draney,Isa Genzken,Liam Gillick,Zuza Golińska,Dorota Jurczak,Leon Kahane,Annette Kelm,Paul Kolling,Essie Kramer,Thibaut Henz,Tanea Hynes,Shaun Motsi,Kate Newby,Marcel Odenbach,Shlomo Pozner,Sarah Pucci,Emile Rubino,Coumba Samba, Richard Sides,Charles Stankievech,Andrzej Steinbach,Rosemarie Trockel,Luc Tuymans,Michael Van den Abeele,Erika Verzutti,Angharad Williams & Philip A. Zimmermann

Kinship At Kin, Brussels 1
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 2
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 3
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 4
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 5
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 6
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 7
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 8
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 9
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 10
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 11
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 12
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 13
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 14
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 15
Luc Tuymans, Monkeys, 2020, 6 acrylic ink on polyester tracing paper 57.5 x 107.5 cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 16
kinship, 2024, exhibition view, KIN, Brussels
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 17
Edith Dekyndt, Eastern Tickle 01, 3D print on driftwood, 2024, 26x17x11,5cm. Edith Dekyndt, Underground (Boostraat 04), Cotton on frame, 2023, 30x24cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 18
Edith Dekyndt, MAKRO, 2023, Video HD, Edition 5 of 5, 12:09 min
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 19
Edith Dekyndt, MAKRO, 2023, Video HD, Edition 5 of 5, 12:09 min
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 20
Emile Rubino, Pierrot, 2022-2023, inkjet print mounted on dibond, wood frame, glass, 24 × 42 cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 21
Emile Rubino, Musca Depicta, 2022-2023, inkjet print mounted on dibond, wood frame, glass, 24×42cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 22
Erika Verzutti, White Night, 2024, Oil on bronze, 56 x 45 cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 23
Guillaume Bijl, Sorry, 2024, Readymades, pedestals, vitrine, 170 x 39 x 39 cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 24
Guillaume Bijl, Sorry, 2024, Readymades, pedestals, vitrine, 170 x 39 x 39 cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 25
Isa Genzken, Untitled (After Andrea della Robbia), 2007, plastic, fabric, mirror foil, wood, metal and lacquer, 60 x 40 x 10 cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 26
Leon Kahane, WB’86, 2017, 15 black and white analog c-prints, 36×24 cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 27
Paul Kolling, Nadir 1250.564::4433.819, 2024, 4 m long 35 mm film section from the exhibition “Nadir” at Kunstverein München, both:200x2cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 28
Rosemarie Trockel, Kangaroo admiring the jaws of a beauty, 1983, Newspaper, metal, painted, wire, 5 x 33 x 22.5 cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 29
Rosemarie Trockel, Kangaroo admiring the jaws of a beauty, 1983, Newspaper, metal, painted, wire, 5 x 33 x 22.5 cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 30
Sâadane Afif, George Grosz’s “The Robbers (Die Räuber)”, 2022, 71 x 48.5 cm (framed)
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 31
Yalda Afsah, Untitled, 2024, photographic print on Hahnemühle, Photo: Rag Baryta, 30 x 28 cm
Kinship At Kin, Brussels 32
Zuza Golińska, Piercer, 2018 Steel, 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 cm

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