The eight artists James Gregory Atkinson, Živa Drvarič, Shaun Motsi, Lukas Mül- ler, Ivan Murzin, Dennis Siering, Joana Tischkau, and Franziska Wildt have had their working practice at basis e. V. over the past four years. Since March 2021, they have been supported by the HAP Studio Programme within the framework of the first round of fellowship holders, for which they have received free studios and an individually conceived mentoring programme. Now their works are to be presented in a closing exhibition.
The aim of the exhibition is to provide a brief overview of the diverse artistic approaches of the HAP artists and to enable the artists to present their own formal languages and research that have been consolidated over the years. It is evident that all their positions are concerned with crucial and existential issues of our time. From confrontations with the advancing climate catastrophe in the Capita- locene to the reappraisal of suppressed chapters of Greece’s history. From the recognition of and reflection on the history of Black Germans to the empathetic observation of commonplace moments and personal biographies. The intentionally heterogeneous nature of the themes explored is the strength of this exhibition, as it reflects the diversity of the art scene in Frankfurt, Hesse, and Germany as a whole.
In the exhibition, James Gregory Atkinson is presenting his video work Jailbird in a Peacock Chair as an installation for the first time in Germany. In this work, the artist makes reference to complex histories of Black masculinity and Black resistance in relation to the ‘prison-industrial complex’ and the colonial history of the peacock chair. Živa Drvarič is exhibiting new silkscreens and sculptures in an installation that explores a subtle extension of the everyday. Dennis Siering has arranged NASA satellite images of storm systems in order to pose questions about our own perspective on the destructive changes in the climate. In her 2-channel video installation Antigoneproben, Franziska Wildt focuses on a re- pressed chapter of Greek-European history: life and resistance in political reeducation camps during the Greek Civil War and the former Greek military dic- tatorship. Joana Tischkau throws open her personal artistic record archive and is presenting a selection of sound recordings that have significantly influenced her work. Together with the sound designer Frieder Blume, she has created exclusive dubplates of his musical compositions. Lukas Müller has completed a new series of pastel paintings on canvas for the exhibition, in which personal,
ephemeral moments and memories resonate. Shaun Motsi is represented by his work Tell Me, We Both Matter, Don‘t We?, in which he reacts to social ste- reotypes in a pointed way and examines the interplay between materiality and subjectivation. Ivan Murzin has created a series of previously unseen and unde- ciphered visual riddles that both refer to the omnipresent digital binary codes and critically scrutinise the processes of visual interpretation and translation.
In times of budget consolidations and cultural funding cuts, this exhibition shows how indispensable the advancement of artistic creation is for the safeguarding of a lively, pluralistic and critical culture of discussion in society. The four-year funding in the HAP programme has not only made it possible for artists to work consistently on their topics and methods, but has also supported the presentation, reception, and recognition of the art they have created in national and international exhibitions, festivals, and performances. Of course, this would never have been possible without the tremendous commitment of the artists themselves, which is why this show is ultimately a great expression of gratitude to them.