Story yet to be told at ORTIGIA CONTEMPORANEA

Artists: AES+F, Joël Andrianomearisoa, Giuditta Branconi, Martina Cassatella, Mateusz Choróbski, Gianni Di Rosa, Marcin Dudek, Simone Forti, Abul Hisham, Alek O., Giulia Messina, Giuseppe Mulas, Patrizia Mussa, Nika Neelova, Karim Noureldin, Aurora Passero, GianMarco Porru, Przemek Pyszczek, Virginia Russolo, Nanni Valentini, Driant Zeneli

Exhibition title: Story yet to be told

Curated by: Domenico de Chirico in collaboration with Eleonora Angiolini

Venue: ORTIGIA CONTEMPORANEA, Ortygia, Syracuse, Sicily, Italy

Date: June 17 – 30, 2024

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and ORTIGIA CONTEMPORANEA

The Sea We Want to See part 1 at Korea Foundation Gallery

Artist: Sam Hersbach, Afra Eisma, Jiajia Qi, Katherina Heil

Exhibition title: The Sea We Want to See part 1

Curated by: Heeseung Choi, Jiajia Qi

Venue: Korea Foundation Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Date: June 20 – August 17, 2024

Photography: Ahina Archive / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, Korea Foundation, and Billytown