Sam Falls at Fondazione Giuliani

Artist: Sam Falls Venue:  Fondazione Giuliani, Rome, Italy Date: February 14 – April 18, 2015 Photography: Giorgio Benni, Courtesy of the artist and Fondazione Giuliani, Rome “As the moon orbits the earth it tries to pull everything toward it, the only thing the earth can’t hold on to is water. People can hold on to everything … Read more

Caroline Mesquita at Union Pacific

Artist: Caroline Mesquita Exhibition title:  Camping Venue:  Union Pacific, London, UK Date: January 23 – February 20, 2015 Photography: Courtesy of the artist and Union Pacific, London The shadows of Vesuvianna. In Pompeii a few years ago, the siren Parthenope, daughter of Achelous God of all greek rivers, started dating the centaur Vesuvius and they went … Read more

Gate E at Muscle Beach

Artists: Erika Ceruzzi, Zack Davis, Lali Foster, Heather McKenna, Rebecca Peel Exhibition title:  Gate E Curated by: Flynn Casey and Tony Chrenka Venue:  Muscle Beach, Portland, US. Muscle Beach is a curatorial project organized by Flynn Casey and Tony Chrenka. Date: February 20 – March 25, 2015 Photography: Courtesy of the artists and Muscle Beach, Portland … Read more