NUDE MODEL at The Green Gallery

Artists: Rochelle Feinstein, Rachel Harrison, Calla Henkel and Max Pitegoff, Kaspar Müller, David Robbins, Michael Smith, Frances Stark Exhibition title:  Nude Model Curated by: Patrick Armstrong Venue:  The Green Gallery. Milwaukee, US Date:  January 1 – February 7, 2015 Photography: Courtesy of The Green Gallery      

Aleksander Hardashnakov at Rodolphe Janssen

Artist: Aleksander Hardashnakov Exhibition title: Mood Venue: Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels, Belgium Date:  January 15 – February 20, 2015 Photography: Hugard & Vanoverschelde. Courtesy of Rodolphe Janssen It wasn’t a choice. He fell in love with an escort and could not afford her time. He began robbing banks to pay for it. He robbed something like 12 banks … Read more

Pakui Hardware at kim?

Artist: Pakui Hardware Exhibition title: Lost Heritage Venue: kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, Latvia Date: January 14 – February 22, 2015 Photography: kim? Contemporary Art Centre With every limb there is detachment. Cut. Cut-open limbs with silicone arteries stretched through their hollowed shells. Slimy surfaces of never-sweating bodies. Programmed biological efficiency, exact as a mission … Read more

ALWAYS BRIAN (ti amo) at 63rd-77th STEPS

Artists: Rosa Ciano, Cecile B. Evans, Benjamin Asam Kellog, Matthew Landry, Lucia Leuci, Yuri Pattison, Fabio Santacroce, Jasper Spicero, Amalia Ulman Exhibition title: ALWAYS BRIAN (ti amo) Venue: 63rd-77th STEPS / Art Project Staircase, Bari, Italy Date:  January 16 -18, 2015 Photography: Courtesy of 63rd-77th STEPS   Always Brian (TI AMO), Corso Italia and a burnt kebab. … Read more