Donald Urquhart at Maureen Paley

Artist: Donald Urquhart Exhibition title:  1978 Venue: Maureen Paley, London, UK Date:  June 9 – July 12, 2015 Photography: © Donald Urquhart, Courtesy Maureen Paley, London Maureen Paley is pleased to announce the third solo exhibition at the gallery by Donald Urquhart. This exhibition will consist of drawings on paper and wall along with new … Read more

Petrit Halilaj at Bundeskunsthalle

Artist: Petrit Halilaj Exhibition title:  She, fully turning around, became terrestrial Venue: Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany Date:  March 6 – October 18, 2015 Photography: images courtesy of the artist and Bundeskunsthalle / Chert gallery, Berlin / kamel mennour, Paris Petrit Halilaj (b. 1986) is an artist whose work is concerned with tracing history and biography. The artist … Read more

Minouk Lim at Portikus

Artist: Minouk Lim Exhibition title:  United Paradox Venue: Portikus, Frankfurt, Germany Date:  May 14 – July 5, 2015 Photography: Helena Schlichting, images courtesy of the artist and Portikus, Frankfurt When war broke out in Korea in 1950, the South Korean government committed a series of massacres against the civilian population. Ordered by the leader of the South Korean … Read more

SPECIAL FEATURE: De Appel Curatorial Programme

The final project of the Curatorial Programme 2014 – 2015 at de Appel arts centre opened with two exhibitions: Spell to Spelling ** Spelling to Spell and Your Time Is Not My Time.

Spell to Spelling ** Spelling to Spell emerges in the spaces between the linguistic and associative relations of the notions of the spell and the spelling. The exhibition investigates various facets and rituals dealing with voluntary, involuntary and removed memory of the author, the visitors and the artworks themselves. Many ways of unfolding references, sources, stories and histories behind the objects are explored within the exhibition.

Your Time Is Not My Time lays the question of blurred boundaries between viewer, author and user within the current habitual fear of missing out and hyper-circulation of images. The exhibition uncovers a thorough pace and tacit admission within the changing lexicon of the public sphere, data-driven economies and forms of usership.

Ola Lanko