Cruise Kidman Kubrick at Maria Bernheim

Artists: Bailey Scieszka, Miriam Laura Leonardi, Valerie Keane, Rico Weber, Ebecho Muslimova, Sitara Abuzar Ghaznawi, Denis Savary, Sarah Slappey, Kyle Dunn, Juan Antonio Olivares, Andrea Fourchy, Stewart Uoo, Doris Guo

Exhibition title: Cruise Kidman Kubrick

Curated by: Mitchell Anderson

Venue: Maria Bernheim, Zürich, Switzerland

Date: October 25 – December 21, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Maria Bernheim

28 Days, 6 Hours, 42 Minutes, 12 Seconds at Lubov & Mikro

Artists: Phoebe Berglund, Theodore Darst, Thomas Liu Le Lann, Claire van Lubeek, Kaspar Ludwig, Philémon Otth, Manuela Soto, Nora Renaud, Jenna Westra

Exhibition title: 28 Days, 6 Hours, 42 Minutes, 12 Seconds

Curated by: Olga Generalova and Domenico Ermanno Roberti in collaboration with Mikro, Zürich and Lubov, NYC

Venue: Lubov, Mikro, Zürich, Switzerland

Date: June 7 – July 21, 2019

Photography: Raphael Wanner / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist, Lubov, New York/Zürich and Mikro, Zürich

An Order Of Things at Galerie Gregor Staiger

Artists: Kamilla Bischof, Victoria Colmegna, Hanne Lippard, Anne Speier, Tenant of Culture

Exhibition title: An Order Of Things

Venue: Galerie Gregor Staiger, Zurich, Switzerland

Date: February 23 – April 6, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galerie Gregor Staiger