NUDE MODEL at The Green Gallery

Artists: Rochelle Feinstein, Rachel Harrison, Calla Henkel and Max Pitegoff, Kaspar Müller, David Robbins, Michael Smith, Frances Stark Exhibition title:  Nude Model Curated by: Patrick Armstrong Venue:  The Green Gallery. Milwaukee, US Date:  January 1 – February 7, 2015 Photography: Courtesy of The Green Gallery      

Lucie Stahl at Queer Thoughts

Artist: Lucie Stahl Exhibition title: Pits Venue: Queer Thoughts, Chicago, US Date:  October 10 – November 16, 2014 Photography: Courtesy of Queer Thoughts Tracking down a strange, loose narrative of the acutely violent aspects of power and resource distribution, informed by a female factor that runs like a bloody current pulling loose debris in from the … Read more

Aid For Impending Quagmire at Helper

Artist: Anders Holen Exhibition title: Aid For Impending Quagmire Venue:  helper, New York, US Date:  September 27 – October 26, 2014 Photography: Courtesy of Helper helper is pleased to present an exhibition by Norwegian artist Anders Holen. Aid for Impending Quagmire is comprised of prefabricated elements, including aluminum sculptures, glass vitrines, and wallpaper, as well as … Read more

Zack Davis at American Medium

Artist: Zack Davis Exhibition title:  Vivo Vitro Silico Situ Venue:  American Medium, New York, US Date:  January 10 – February 12, 2015 Photography: Courtesy of American Medium American Medium is pleased to present Vivo Vitro Silico Situ, an exhibition of new sculptural work by Zack Davis.The exhibition is Davis’ first solo presentation in New York, … Read more