Garden Show at Regards


Artists: Jason Benson, Tom Burr, Barbara Ess, Alex Felton, Petrova Giberson, Oto Gillen, Dan Graham, Frank Heath, Lena Henke, Elizabeth Jaeger, Elizabeth Orr, Nancy Shaver

Exhibition title: Garden Show

Curated by: Sam Korman

Venue: Regards, Chicago, US

Date: June 3 – July 16, 2016

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Regards



Wrath Pin Face Binned at Et al.


Artists: Brendan Fowler, Marisa Takal, Nate Boyce, Erika Ceruzzi, Andrea Longacre-White, Flannery Silva

Exhibition title: Wrath Pin Face Binned

Curated by: Springsteen, Baltimore

Venue: Et al., San Francisco, US

Date: June 4 – July 10, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Et al., San Francisco



Aline Bouvy at Motel

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Artist: Aline Bouvy

Exhibition title: Who will wear my teeth as amulets?

Curated by: Bunk Club

Venue: Motel, New York, US

Date: June 25 – July 24, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Motel, New York

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