Nina Beier at Metro Pictures

Artist: Nina Beier Venue:  Metro Pictures, New York, US Date:  April 16 – May 22, 2015 Photography:  images courtesy of the artist and Metro Pictures Metro Pictures is pleased to announce the opening of Nina Beier’s first one-person exhibition in New York, following her participation in two group shows at the gallery. The Danish artist, who … Read more


Artists: Piotr Lakomy, K.r.m. Mooney Exhibition title:  σ Venue:  HESTER, New York, US Date: April  26 – May 24, 2015 Photography:  images courtesy of the artists and HESTER, New York σ= 5.670373(21) × 10−8 W m−2 K−4. Piotr Lakomy (b. 1983; lives and works in Poznan, Poland). Solo exhibi- tions: BWA Zielona Góra, PL (2015); Galeria … Read more

Dominic Samsworth at Howard St

Artist: Dominic Samsworth Exhibition title: Very Soirée Venue: Howard St, New York, US Date:  April 10 – May 10, 2015 Photography: The Still House Group, images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Howard St, New York Presentation is everything when it comes to temporary sophistication. There are the champagnes, the calligraphy, the thread counts, … Read more

Nancy Lupo at Wallspace

Artist: Nancy Lupo Exhibition title:  Not S.A.D. Venue:  Wallspace, New York, US Date: April 3 – May 9, 2015 Photography: Images courtesy of the artist and Wallspace, New York I have sketched a bone whose natural length has been increased three times and whose thickness has been multiplied until, for a correspondingly large animal, it would … Read more