Notes on our equilibrium at CAB

Artists: Isabelle Andriessen, Vaughn Bell, Julian Charrière, Edith Dekyndt, Stijn Demeulenaere, Bea Fremderman, Tue Greenfort, Carlos Irijalba, Nicolas Lamas, Richard Long, Adrien Tirtiaux, Alvaro Urbano, Maarten Vanden Eynde

Exhibition title: Notes on our equilibrium, A dialogue with the house of Jean Prouvé II

Venue: CAB, Brussels, Belgium

Date: April 19 – June 24, 2017

Photography: Brandajs, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and CAB, Brussels

HYPOKEIMENON, en Dessous du Sang at GNF Gallery

Artists: Nils Alix-Tabeling, Aline Bouvy, Jude Crilly, Emeline Depas, Nicolas Deshayes, Justin Fitzpatrick, Anna Hulacova, Motoko Ishibashi, Rebecca Jagoe, Birgit Jürgenssen

Exhibition title: HYPOKEIMENON, en Dessous du Sang

Curated by: Nils Alix-Tabeling

Venue: GNF Gallery, Brussels, Belgium

Date: April 22 – May 25, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and GNF Gallery