Bright Light at Gussglashalle

Artists: Immanuel Birkert, Lutz Braun, Real Madrid, Raphael Danke, Johannes Wald, Julius Heinemann, Maximilian Kirmse, Marieta Chirulescu, Leon Eisermann, Talisa Lallai, Philipp Modersohn

Exhibition title: Bright Light

Curated by: Domenico de Chirico

Venue: Gussglashalle, Berlin, Germany

Date: June 1 – 2, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Gussglashalle, Berlin

Cloak of Mercy at HORSEANDPONY Fine Arts

Artists: Caroline David, Claude Eigan, Maren Karlson, Alexandra Koumantaki, Julian-Jakob Kneer, Tora Schultz Larsen, Anni Puolakka, Lauryn Youden

Exhibition title: Cloak of Mercy

Curated by: Christina Gigliotti

Venue: HORSEANDPONY Fine Arts, Berlin, Germany

Date: April 29 – May 26, 2019

Photography: Rocco Ruglio-Misurell / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and HORSEANDPONY Fine Arts, Berlin