OOO Object Oriented Ontology at Kunsthalle Basel

Artists: Urs Aeschbach, Jonas Baumann, Andreas Berde, David Berweger, Alex Bleuler, Claudia Borowsky, Barbara Bugg, Klaus A. Burth, Urs Cavelti, Ghizlène Chajaï, Guillaume Cochet, Grégory Delauré, Daniele Dell’Eva, Dimension Émotionnelle, Christoph Dinges, Sara Gassmann, Yulia Goetsch, Laurent Guenat, Edith Hänggi, Tenki Hiramatsu, Yoshiya Hirayama, Kirti Ingerfurth, Daniel Karrer, Benjamin Lenz, Kris Markiewicz, Geneviève Morin, Hiroko Nagata, Franziska Neuenschwander, Katrin Niedermeier, Gerardo Nolasco-Rózsás, Tobias Nussbaumer, Eva Schick, Lisa Schittulli, Christian Schmuck, Henry Staschik, Jonas Studer, Paul Takács, Romain Tièche, Sara Ursina, Mathis Vass, Gina Weisskopf, Martin Wiese, Michel Winterberg, Paulo Wirz, Kerstin Wittenberg, Franziska Wüsten

Exhibition title: OOO Object Oriented Ontology (Regionale 18)

Venue: Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Date: November 25, 2017 – January 7, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and ©Kunsthalle Basel

Note: Exhibition booklet can be found here

We invite you to hope at Kunsthaus Baselland

Artists: Markus Aebersold, David Berwerger, Manuela Cossalter, Johannes Adrian Eiserlo, Kaja Eng, Adrian Falkner, Othmar Farré, Manuel Guldimann, Chris Handberg, Robert Ireland, Tamara Janes, Aida Kidane, Eunji Kim, Lucie Kunz, Melanie Kuratli, Daniel Kurth, Jérome Leuba, Raphael Loosli, Robin Michel, Laura Mietrup, Katrin Niedermeier, Tobias Nussbaumer, Philémon Otth, Gil Pellaton, Mathis Pfäffli, Raphael Reichert, Njomza Sadikaj, Jelena Savic, Anna Shirin Schneider, Manuel Schneider, Aline Stalder, Aysa Stettler, Inka ter Haar, Florian Thate, Ambra Viviani, Tanja Weidmann, Arnaud Wohlhauser, Simon Wyss

Exhibition title: We invite you to hope (Wir heissen euch hoffen)

Curated by: Carolyn Christov- Bakargiev and Chus Martínez

Venue: Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, Switzerland

Date: August 28 – September 3, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kunsthaus Baselland