Olaf Nicolai at Kunsthalle Wien

Artist: Olaf Nicolai

Exhibition title: There Is No Place Before Arrival

Featuring contributions by: Battle-ax, Marcel Beyer, Ann Cotten, Jeremiah Day, Bart de Kroon, Jan Erbelding, Alix Eynaudi, Lena Grossmann, Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, Public Possession, Felix Leon Westner.

Curated by: Luca Lo Pinto

Venue: Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria

Date: July 13 – October 10, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kunsthalle Wien

Note: Exhibition booklet can be found here

Lucia Elena Průša at Pina

Artist: Lucia Elena Průša

Exhibition title: ZAHN–AUGE–FUSS–Kindheit–Teenager–Baby–Senior–Junior–Dame–Herr–KNIE–BRUST–ARSCH–ARSCHLOCH–DARM–UTERUS–Mutter–Vater–Haare

Venue: Pina, Vienna, Austria

Date: June 29 – July 20, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Pina, Vienna