STREETSPACE BANGER at Kunsthalle Recklinghausen
STREETSPACE BANGER at Kunsthalle Recklinghausen
Juri Bizzotto and Soífa Salazar Rosales at Café des Glaces
Juri Bizzotto and Soífa Salazar Rosales at Café des Glaces
Whitney Claflin at Derosia
Whitney Claflin at Derosia
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dead among the dead! at Ellis King

13. Nora Berman - Pierced O (intercourse), 2016

Artists: Nora Berman, Tina Breagger, Matt Copson, Albrecht Dürer, Inka Essenhigh, Mike Kelley, Veit Laurent Kurz, Lazaros, Peter Wächtler, Pedro Wirz

Exhibition title: dead among the dead!

Venue: Ellis King, Dublin, Ireland

Date:  March 16 – April 23, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Ellis King, Dublin

dead among the dead! - Installation View 1

06. Veit Laurent Kurz - Untitled 1 of 6 (HERB-O-RAMA Series), 2015

FLUIDITY at Kunstverein Hamburg


Artists: Sarah Abu Abdallah, Heba Amin, Eleanor Antin, Darren Bader, Tyler Coburn, Simon Denny, Jason Dodge, Maria Eichhorn, Dora Garcia, Liam Gillick, Melanie Gilligan, Goldin+Senneby, Pierre Huyghe, Roberto Jacoby, Hanne Lippard, Lee Lozano, Mathias Poledna, Mladen Stilinovic, UBERMORGEN

Exhibition title: FLUIDITY

Curated by: Bettina Steinbrügge, Nina Möntmann, Vanessa Joan Müller

Venue: Kunstverein Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Date:  January 30 – April 10, 2016

Photography: Fred Dott, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kunstverein Hamburg

Note: Exhibition booklet can be found here



Interludium I at GAK


Artists: Christian Haake, Claudia Kapp, Janis E. Müller, Tim Reinecke, Sebastian Reuschel, Matthias Ruthenberg, SEX, Irene Strese

Exhibition title: Interludium I

Curated by: Svea Kellner

Venue: GAK (Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst), Bremen, Germany

Date:  March 4 – April 9, 2016

Photography: Tobias Hübel, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and GAK

