
Interludium I at GAK


Artists: Christian Haake, Claudia Kapp, Janis E. Müller, Tim Reinecke, Sebastian Reuschel, Matthias Ruthenberg, SEX, Irene Strese

Exhibition title: Interludium I

Curated by: Svea Kellner

Venue: GAK (Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst), Bremen, Germany

Date:  March 4 – April 9, 2016

Photography: Tobias Hübel, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and GAK

Interludium is a new exhibition series of the GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst. Starting this year, Interludium will be an annual occasion for Bremen artists to present their work between the  GAK’s international projects.

Interludium is a musical term that describes the interlude between opera acts or stanzas in a song, structurally separate and linking together various parts of a composition. Such is the idea behind the Interludium series, a sort of interlude within the GAK’s annual exhibition schedule, forging a connection between Bremen artistic production and international positions.

The start of the series, Interludium I, explores the musical implications of the exhibition title and assembles works by Bremen artists containing references to music. The objects, drawings, installations and video works on display oscillate between the presence and absence of sound or rhythm, play with elements of musical notation, use a song title as starting point or explore the performing nature and physicality of music.

Various aspects of the exhibition will be pursued, supplemented or deepened in an accompanying programme of events.


SEX, No Sad Beat, piano arangement, Edition Malcolm Nr. 1102, Twisted, piano arangement, Edition Malcolm Nr. 1103, Please Love Me, I’m Stereo, piano arangement, Edition Malcolm Nr. 1104, Vinícius, piano arangement, Edition Malcolm Nr. 1105


SEX, No Sad Beat, piano arangement, Edition Malcolm Nr. 1102, Twisted, piano arangement, Edition Malcolm Nr. 1103, Please Love Me, I’m Stereo, piano arangement, Edition Malcolm Nr. 1104, Vinícius, piano arangement, Edition Malcolm Nr. 1105



Sebastian Reuschel, SOLD OUT, 2013


Claudia Kapp, Meanwhile, 2006-2016


Matthias Ruthenberg, a hard rain ’s a-gonna fall I + II, 2012


Christian Haake, My Favorite Things, 2016



Janis E. Müller, The Winner Takes It All, 2016


Mathias Ruthenberg, o.t. / partitur, 2013


Irene Strese, shake yer tiz, 2016 (detail)


Tim Reinecke, alkopop, 2011 (still from video)

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