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Juri Bizzotto and Soífa Salazar Rosales at Café des Glaces
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Whitney Claflin at Derosia
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Barry Le Va at Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein
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FADE IN: INT. ART GALLERY – DAY at Swiss Institute


Artists: Danai Anesiadou, Nairy Baghramian, Michael Bell-Smith, Dora Budor, Heman Chong, Mike Cooter, Brice Dellsperger, Casey Jane Ellison, GALA Committee, Mario García Torres, Mathis Gasser, Alex Israel, Jamian Juliano-Villani, Bertrand Lavier, William Leavitt, Christian Marclay, Rodrigo Matheus, Allan McCollum, Henrique Medina, Carissa Rodriguez, Cindy Sherman, Amie Siegel, Scott Stark, Thirteen Black Cats, Albert Whitlock

Exhibition title: FADE IN: INT. ART GALLERY – DAY

Venue: Swiss Institute, New York, US

Date:  March 3 – May 19, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Swiss Institute, New York