Elliott Lambert at Café des Glaces
Elliott Lambert at Café des Glaces
Display at Ehrlich Steinberg
Display at Ehrlich Steinberg
Tomas Harker at Nicodim
Tomas Harker at Nicodim
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Garden Show at Regards


Artists: Jason Benson, Tom Burr, Barbara Ess, Alex Felton, Petrova Giberson, Oto Gillen, Dan Graham, Frank Heath, Lena Henke, Elizabeth Jaeger, Elizabeth Orr, Nancy Shaver

Exhibition title: Garden Show

Curated by: Sam Korman

Venue: Regards, Chicago, US

Date: June 3 – July 16, 2016

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Regards



unexpected others at L’Atelier-ksr


Artists: Violet Dennison, Adam Fearon, Richard Frater, Renata Har, Clémence de La Tour du Pin, Adrien Missika, Antoine Renard, Vanessa Safavi, Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld

Exhibition title: unexpected others

Venue: L’Atelier-ksr, Berlin, Germany

Date: May 21 – July 16, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and L’Atelier-ksr

Note: Exhibition text written by Elvia Wilk can be found here

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