Pakui Hardware at LNMA Radvila Palace Museum of Art
Pakui Hardware at LNMA Radvila Palace Museum of Art
TJ Rinoski at Galerie Derouillon
TJ Rinoski at Galerie Derouillon
In Concert at Daniel Faria Gallery
In Concert at Daniel Faria Gallery
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Louis Bouvier at Centre Clark

Artist: Louis Bouvier

Exhibition title: Toujours vers une comprehension totale et absolue (Always toward a total and absolute understanding)

Venue: Centre Clark, Montréal, Canada

Date: March 9 – April 15, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Centre Clark, Montréal

Theodore Darst at Magenta Plains

Artist: Theodore Darst

Exhibition title: Cult Trash

Venue: Magenta Plains, New York, US

Date: March 24 – April 23, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Magenta Plains, New York