
Hypnology at Milieu

Artists: Mitchell Anderson, Natacha Donzé, Andreas Kalbermatter, Élie Lascaux, Mia Sanchez, Xu Zhen, Hannes Zulauf

Exhibition title: Hypnology

Venue: Milieu, Bern, Switzerland

Date: December 16, 2018 – January 26, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Milieu, Bern

“Whatever phrases you may pursue in your lyrical paths, please don’t forget that you yourself emanate from the ongoing ornamentation of the corpus of signs, that you are actually a sign within this corpus of signs, and that everything that you do becomes inscribed as a sign within the universal ornament. So if you’re getting blown around in a storm of signs, just hook yourself around the tendril which pleases you best.”

Hannes Zulauf: Das Weltornament. Erstes Kapitel: Die Grundlagen. (The Universal Ornament. First Chapter: Basic Principles.)

Hypnology, 2018, exhibition view, Milieu, Bern

Mia Sanchez, The Assembly, 2018

Mia Sanchez, The Assembly, 2018

Mia Sanchez, The Assembly, 2018

Mia Sanchez, The Assembly, 2018

Hypnology, 2018, exhibition view, Milieu, Bern

Hypnology, 2018, exhibition view, Milieu, Bern

Natacha Donzé, The Diva Dance, 2018

Andreas Kalbermatter, reversed center of attraction into a firmament of melancholy, dedicated to a friend, 2018

Andreas Kalbermatter, reversed center of attraction into a firmament of melancholy, dedicated to a friend, 2018

Andreas Kalbermatter, reversed center of attraction into a firmament of melancholy, dedicated to a friend, 2018

Hypnology, 2018, exhibition view, Milieu, Bern

Mitchell Anderson, Flag (Ni dieu ni maitre), 2018

Hannes Zulauf, Zeichenkörper | Ein Zeichenkörper hat eine potenziell unendliche Ausdehnung, weil die Mäander sich potenziell unendlich in das Weltornament einschreiben | WO 014, 2018 & Zeichenkörper | Ein Zeichenkörper sind alle Mäander, die der Grundtonfrequenz eines Subjekts entspringen | WO 012, 2018

Hannes Zulauf, Weltornament Extrablatt, Auszug aus dem ersten Kapitel: Die Grundlagen, 2018

Hannes Zulauf, Weltornament Extrablatt, Auszug aus dem ersten Kapitel: Die Grundlagen, 2018

Hypnology, 2018, exhibition view, Milieu, Bern

Xu Zhen, Shouting, 1998

Xu Zhen, Shouting, 1998

Mitchell Anderson, Crate piece, 2015

Élie Lascaux, L‘église devant la mer, 1927

Hypnology, 2018, exhibition view, Milieu, Bern

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