
Group Show at Emalin


Artists: Evgeny Antufiev, Nicholas Cheveldave, Melvin Edwards, The Grantchester Pottery, Daiga Grantina, Jeffrey Joyal, Kiki Kogelnik, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Fabian Marti, Daniele Milvio, Amanda Ross-Ho, John Russell, Michael Sailstorfer, Will Sheridan Jr, Shana Moulton

Exhibition title: Condo: Emalin hosting Galerie Gregor Staiger

Venue: Emalin, London, UK

Date: January 14 – February 11, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and their representing galleries; Emalin; Galerie Gregor Staiger

As part of Condo, a collaborative exhibition by 36 galleries across 15 London spaces, Emalin is pleased to present a group exhibition with works by Evgeny Antufiev, Nicholas Cheveldave, Melvin Edwards, The Grantchester Pottery, Daiga Grantina, Jeffrey Joyal, Kiki Kogelnik, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Fabian Marti, Daniele Milvio, Amanda Ross-Ho, John Russell, Michael Sailstorfer and Will Sheridan Jr.. Gregor Staiger is showing works by Shana Moulton.

Conventionally the face is taken as a mark of the self, as self-presence and the seat of individuality that enables identification and relation with others. To test these notions through disfiguration, fragmentation, and absence reframes the stakes of faciality on subjectivity and perception. This group of works complicates the face as more than mask or performative disguise, looking instead at the way these material constructions set in motion the mechanisms of recognition, the search for a discernible human form.





The Grantchester Pottery, Overwhelmed by Emotion. She Lost Control. #3, 2016, glazed stoneware, hemp cord, stainless steel fixings and tears, dimensions variable


Melvin Edward, Iraq, 2003; Daiga Grantina, V in BB, 2016; Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Servants of the Dry Facade, Delft Blue, 2016


Nicholas Cheveldave, KASPAR: PT. 1- Do it Yourself at Home Head Replacement Kit, 2017; Kiki Kogelnik, Untitled (Hands), 1970


Nicholas Cheveldave, KASPAR: PT. 1- Do it Yourself at Home Head Replacement Kit (Detail), 2017, polyurethane, expanding foam, tattoo ink, medical cast, gauze, photolaminate, wood, metal, 143 x 84 x 26.5 cm



Amanda Ross-Ho, THE UNSUB INVERTED (DIRECT ABOVE), 2014; John Russell, Deer, 2016


Shana Moulton, Sand Saga, 2008, digital video (standard definition; 4:3), 10:29 min.; My Life As An INFJ, 2014, mannequin, custom dress, neck brace, digital video projection (3:53 min, looped); Medusa’s Stare, 2016, mannequin, custom dress, digital video on tablet (2:27 min, looped)


Jeffrey Joyal, TBD, 2016 and TOM 4, 2015; Evgeny Antufiev, Untitled, 2016


Jeffrey Joyal, TBD, 2016, and TOM 4, 2015; taxidermy turkey head, lightbulb, mirrored paint, electrical components, dimensions variable


Evgeny Antufiev, Untitled, 2016, fabric, thread, stuffing, brass, 41 x 27 x 8 cm; Untitled, 2016, wood, amber, paint, copper, 40 x 5 x 2.5 cm


Michael Sailstorfer, M. 25, 2015; Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Servants of the Dry Facade, Tenmoku; Servants of the Dry Facade, écoute tournant Tenmoku, 2016


Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Servants of the Dry Facade, écoute tournant Tenmoku, 2016, ceramics, 23 x 25 x 18 cm



Daniele Milvio, Catarro Etrusco, 2015, plaster, bee wax, lacquer, gouache, acrylic, steel, burned jute, watercolour, hemp, myrrh ashes, sheep fur, fangs of a Cerveteri’s boar, 97 x 57 x 30 cm


Will Sheridan Jr., City Box; Tie-Up Box, Basement Box, 2016, cardboard, foamboard, acrylic, mixed media


Will Sheridan Jr., Tie-Up Box; Basement Box, 2016 cardboard, foamboard, acrylic, mixed media; Fabian Marti, Hanged Man (Oskar), pigments, epoxy, steel cable, 200 x 52 x 2.5cm

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