The Corner Show at Extra City

Artists: Accattone, Wim Catrysse, Céline Condorelli, Jan De Cock, Ferry André de la Porte, Willem de Rooij, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Maatschappij Discordia, Lili Dujourie, Kersten Geers, Aglaia Konrad, Germaine Kruip, Gabriel Kuri, Valérie Mannaerts, Katja Mater, Josiah McElheny, Manfred Pernice, Bas Schevers, Santiago Sierra, Steve Van den Bosch, Koen van den Broek, Joep van Liefland and … Read more

Farah Atassi at Extra City

Artist: Farah Atassi Venue: Extra City, Antwerp, Belgium Date: September 12 – December 6, 2015 Photography: We Document Art, images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Extra City Extra City presents the first institutional show in Belgium of Farah Atassi (b. 1981 in Brussels, lives and works in Paris). Constructing environments through intricate scale distortions … Read more

4 works, 3 artists, one projection at Rib

Artists: Christoph Meier, Axel Stockburger, Steve Van den Bosch  Exhibition title: 4 works, 3 artists, one projection Curated by: Maziar Afrassiabi Venue: Rib, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Date: September 12 – November 14, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Rib The departure point of the exhibition is the very question of launching a … Read more

The Oceans Academy of Arts at Vleeshal Zusterstraat

Artist: The Oceans Academy of Arts (OAOA) with Özlem Altin, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Ola Vasiljeva and Marianne Vierø Exhibition title: University Curated by: The Oceans Academy of Arts (OAOA) Venue: Vleeshal Zusterstraat, Middelburg, The Netherlands Date: September 13 – December 13, 2015 Photography: Leo van Kampen and Ola Vasiljeva, images courtesy of the artist and Vleeshal, … Read more