
Andy Meerow at Bodega

07 openers AM044

Artist: Andy Meerow

Exhibition title: Openers

Venue: Bodega, New York, US

Date: October 29 – December 11, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Bodega

Note: Bodega is now called Derosia:

Andy Meerow’s artworks are often struck through, bifurcated, and mirrored. Across these dividing lines, his viewer is presented with a subject suspended between formation and disintegration. In Openers, a new suite of paintings, this split appears as a rip along the vertical axis of three paintings. Meerow inscribes a word on either side of the rip, and then further complicates these texts through a sequence of edits and redactions. Redaction arises as a kind of meta-writing, whereby the spoken and the unspoken are compressed. The rip in the paintings, which is actually a printed image, effectively refigures the physical gap in a previous series of diptychs. Here, in a classic swap of negative and positive space, what was once a receding void between two canvases and their respective texts is re-articulated as a positive image of central importance to the work.

Andy Meerow (b. 1980) is based in New York. He holds a BA from Wesleyan University and an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University. This is his second solo exhibition at the gallery. Recent solo exhibitions include And Now, Dallas; Levy Delval, Brussels and Essex Flowers, New York. Recent group exhibitions include Den Frie Center of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen; Kate Werble, New York; Museo Britanico Americano; Mexico City; Shanaynay, Paris; The Still House Gallery, New York; The Journal Gallery, New York; James Fuentes, New York; David Petersen, Minneapolis; Martos Gallery, New York.

01 openers install

02 openers install

03 openers AM042

Andy Meerow, opener (one fog), 2016
Enamel on PVC, inkjet, adhesive vinyl, UV clearcoat, 84w x 42h in.

04 openers AM041

Andy Meerow, opener (no body, no text), 2016
Enamel on PVC, inkjet, adhesive vinyl, UV clearcoat, 84w x 42h in.

05 openers AM046

Andy Meerow, opener (dog egg), 2016
Enamel on PVC, inkjet, adhesive vinyl, UV clearcoat, 84w x 42h in.

06 openers AM043

Andy Meerow, opener (no echo), 2016
Enamel on PVC, inkjet, adhesive vinyl, UV clearcoat, 84w x 42h in.

07 openers AM044

Andy Meerow, opener (say less #1), 2016
Enamel on PVC, inkjet, adhesive vinyl, UV clearcoat, 30.5w x 42h in.

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