

TGood HANNE LIPPARD k&c artdoc 18 11 2014 _0686

Artist: Hanne Lippard

Exhibition title: SUPPORT

Venue: KINDERHOOK & CARACAS, Berlin, Germany

Date: November 15 – December 15, 2014

Photography: Trevor Good. Courtesy of KINDERHOOK & CARACAS

OOO OOO OOOOOOOO! Eureka! ArOOOOOOOOOma! Pine. Needles. Pins. Pain. Needless tO say: DOn’t stick yOur nOH!se intO Other peOOples business. We OOOffer custOmised sOlutiOns fOr yOur individualised industrial prOOOOblems. OOOOOur tailOr-made mindful sOOOOuls sOlve any minOr Or majOr prOblems On yOur hands. We are all ears. We are yOur knOws. We see all pOssible sOOOOlutioOOOOns, even at night. Take a chair. Please hOOOOOOOOld this ancient OOOOOld vase. Sit dOOOOOOwn. Smile with yOur eyes.

Please listen-

Here is a height Of its OH!wn. Light and shadOw blend tO create a surface unlike nO OOther OdO!ur, pines that have grOwn here since the dawn Of man cOOOOntinue tO grOOOOw until next dawn is made and Other men are dOwn. If OOOOOOnly trees cOOuld speak! But here is a tOH!ngue instead. WO!O!rds set in stOHne break apart during earthquakes, making meanings of their OOO-OOOwn. these brOHken pieces Of sharp schieffer carry the cOOOOOOOO!ld clear springs Of water. While the air hOlds a clear ambient glOH!w, the tank can hOld up tO 3OO ml Of water in regular standby mOde. flammable Only when kept out of supervisiOOO-OOOn. OOOH, sOH yOu can’t see life fOr all this darkness? The white cylinder has a lamp that shines in a light Of its OOOOwn.

Please lOOOOk-

All FOrms Of speech are preserved in hOHllOHw dwellings. OOOOnce they vapOH!rise, they take On new shapes tO thOse whOOO find them. it’s all greek to she. Certain wOH! rds lOst tO later civilisatiOH!ns may reappear amidst stacks of 9O grams of naturally bleached paper. Easily overlOOked during xerO!x standby time. NOt every diamOHnd is meant tO be fOOOOund, nOt every tOH!ngue is meant tO be sharpened intOOO a tOOl Of its Own. Click, Lick, Tick, TOck. Manners OH!f speech. TO see the letter O is tO speak the letter O. ApprOH!ximate standby time might exceed 12 OOO O00 hours.

Please wait-

The mOre the stOH!ry is spOH!ken, the mOOOOOOOOOOre it disperses. The mOOOOOOOre she speaks the less she hears. The mOOOOOOOOOH!re she speaks, the less she is her. TO say the letter O is tO be the letter O. TO Own the letter O, is impOH!ssible. The wOrd existence gOes Out Of existence as it is being said. The existence Of spOHken time can nOt be kept between nOw- and -stence. NOw that we are here, what is the exact stench that we smell upOn these ruins? 12 different scents that all represent 12 different human dwellings. Armpits! Pitfall! Payrise! Prayers! Chose the One which matches your preferred mOOOOOOOd. Musk? Mucus? Mandarin? SOHrry, I dOn’t speak fOHreign tOngue. It’s all greek tO He. YOur current expected wasted time is 120 minutes.

Please take a seat-

Three-legged. TwO-fOOted. One-sided. Winged. FOrms Of speech can nOt cOme Out Of nOH! thing. SOft thOugh their spOH!ken bOOO-OOOdies are, they leave tracks as they mOve Over the surface Of the sand. Travelling with time they fOrm intO sOlid rOck. BOOOOOdies that give Off fumes give Off secretiOns Of discretiOn. SOme bO!dies are cOmbustible and sOOOme nOt. FOr what is a bOdy without sOund? A machine withOOOut a melOH!dy evOkes skepticism. We are nOt Our bOH!nes, but rather, that which is in between. A Mexican wOHman gets her vOOOHice back after twenty years Of speaking like a rObOt. When the batteries run OOOOut, her cOH!nversatiOn is Over. Deep inside Of her the dOOOctOOOrs excavate her true vOOOH!ice, and reinstall it within her vOH!cal cHOOOrds. She starts speaking and feels like herself again. Finally she can lOOk at herself in the mirrOH!r withOut feeling detached frOm herself. OOOOO OOOO OOOOOO! Eureka! An OHracle.

Please hOld

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