Vera Kox at Kunstverein Reutlingen

Artist: Vera Kox

Exhibition title: … into deliquescence

Venue: Kunstverein Reutlingen, Reutlingen, Germany

Date: November 7, 2021 – January 23, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kunstverein Reutlingen

Note: Press release is available here

Exhibition View Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 07.11.21-23.01.22, Kunstverein Reutlingen; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Exhibition View Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 07.11.21-23.01.22, Kunstverein Reutlingen; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Exhibition View Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 07.11.21-23.01.22, Kunstverein Reutlingen; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Exhibition View Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 07.11.21-23.01.22, Kunstverein Reutlingen; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, front: …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, 70 x 117 x 77 cm, back: …into deliquescence, 2021, (Detail), styrodur, glass, 125 x 598 x 4,5 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, front: …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, back: …into deliquescence, 2021, styrodur, glass 125 x 179 x 4,5 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Exhibition View Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 07.11.21-23.01.22, Kunstverein Reutlingen; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, front: …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, rubber, 29 x 100 x 62 cm, back: …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, 104 x 239 x 6 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, front: glazed ceramic, rubber, 53 x 130 x 100cm, back left: …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, rubber, 29 x 100 x 62 cm, wall: …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, 104 x 239 x 6 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Exhibition View Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 07.11.21-23.01.22, Kunstverein Reutlingen; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Exhibition View Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 07.11.21-23.01.22, Kunstverein Reutlingen; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Exhibition View Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 07.11.21-23.01.22, Kunstverein Reutlingen; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, steel chain hot-dip galvanized, plastic chain, aluminum, dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, front: …into deliquescence, 2021, steel chain hot-dip galvanized, plastic chain, aluminum, dimensions variable; left: …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, aluminum, plaster (in-situ), packing chips, dimensions variable; back right: …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, aluminum, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, left: resting assured (shedding), 2020, ceramic with engobe, styrodur, 69 x 125 x 65 cm, middle: Persistent states (boiled egg), 2020, ceramic, silicon, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable, right: along the line, 2018, glazed ceramic, aluminum (system 180), rubber chain, plastic, keys, 223 x 210 x 31 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Exhibition View Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 07.11.21-23.01.22, Kunstverein Reutlingen; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, front: Solid flow, figured halt, 2017, glass, resin, styrodur, metall, glazed ceramic, 250 x 180 x 140 cm; right: …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, glass, plaster (in-situ), packing chips, dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, left: resting assured (shedding), 2020, ceramic with engobe, styrodur, 69 x 125 x 65 cm, Middle back: Persistent states (boiled egg), 2020, ceramic, silicon, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable, right: along the line, 2018, glazed ceramic, aluminum (system 180), rubber chain, plastic, keys, 223 x 210 x 31 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, left: …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, foam, styrodur, copper, human hair, dimensions variable; right: …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, 92,5 x 117 x 5 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, foam, styrodur, copper, human hair, dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, 92,5 x 117 x 5 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, 92,5 x 117 x 5 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, 92,5 x 117 x 5 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, 92,5 x 117 x 5 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, right: …into deliquescence, 2021, steel, human hair, 191 x 48 cm, Middle: …into deliquescence, 2021, impact sound insulation, painted aluminum frame, rebond foam, glazed ceramic, plastic foil, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable, back left: …into deliquescence, 2021, steel, human hair, 128 x 97 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, left: …into deliquescence, 2021, steel, human hair, 128 x 97 cm, Middle: …into deliquescence, 2021, impact sound insulation, painted aluminum frame, rebond foam, glazed ceramic, plastic foil, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable, right: …into deliquescence, 2021, steel, human hair, 191 x 48 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic, foam, styrodur, copper, human hair, dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, Video, loop, Sound: Tom Mills, Edition: 3 + 2 AP; Courtesy: the artist © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, Video, loop, Sound: Tom Mills, Edition: 3 + 2 AP; Courtesy: the artist © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, Video, loop, Sound: Tom Mills, Edition: 3 + 2 AP; Courtesy: the artist © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, Video, loop, Sound: Tom Mills, Edition: 3 + 2 AP; Courtesy: the artist © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, Video, loop, Sound: Tom Mills, Edition: 3 + 2 AP; Courtesy: the artist © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, Video, loop, Sound: Tom Mills, Edition: 3 + 2 AP; Courtesy: the artist © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, Video, loop, Sound: Tom Mills, Edition: 3 + 2 AP; Courtesy: the artist © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, Video, loop, Sound: Tom Mills, Edition: 3 + 2 AP; Courtesy: the artist © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, 25 x 75 x 50 cm; Courtesy: the artist © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox…into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, 25 x 75 x 50 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), styrodur, glass, rubber, glazed ceramic, steel, human hair, 140 x 390 x 337 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), styrodur, glass, rubber, glazed ceramic, steel, human hair, 140 x 390 x 337 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), styrodur, glass, rubber, glazed ceramic, steel, human hair, 140 x 390 x 337 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, Edition 1-8, glazed ceramic, diff. dimensions; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox…into deliquescence, 2021, Edition 8/8, glazed ceramic, 21 x 17,5 x 19,5 cm, Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, Edition 7/8, glazed ceramic, 15 x 16 x 16 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, Edition 6/8, glazed ceramic, 14 x 14 x 14,5 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, Edition 5/8, glazed ceramic, 13 x 18,5 x 12 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox … into deliquescence, 2021, Edition 4/8, glazed ceramic, 12 x 15 cm x 12 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, Edition 3/8, glazed ceramic, 7 x 18,5 x 12 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, Edition 2/8, glazed ceramic, 7,5 x 16 x 12 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, Edition 1/8, glazed ceramic, 7 x 11 x 10 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, aluminum, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, back middle: untitled, 2012, steel chain, plaster, acoustic foam, construction foam, 300 x 33 x 25cm, front: …into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), steel chain hot-dip galvanized, plastic chain, aluminum, dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox, untitled, 2012, steel chain, plaster, acoustic foam, construction foam, 300 x 33 x 25 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, aluminum, plaster (in-situ), packing chips, dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, aluminum, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), steel chain hot-dip galvanized, plastic chain, aluminum, dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, glass, plaster (in-situ), packing chips, dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, glass, plaster (in-situ), packing chips, dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, glass, plaster (in-situ), packing chips, dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox, Persistent states (boiled egg), 2020, ceramic with engobe, silicon, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable, Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, front: Resting assured (shedding), 2020, ceramic with engobe, styrodur, 69 x 125 x 65 cm, back: Persistent states (boiled egg), 2020, ceramic with engobe, silikon, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), impact sound insulation, painted aluminum frame, rebond foam, glazed ceramic, plastic foil, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), impact sound insulation, painted aluminum frame, rebond foam, glazed ceramic, plastic foil, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), impact sound insulation, painted aluminum frame, rebond foam, glazed ceramic, plastic foil, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), impact sound insulation, painted aluminum frame, rebond foam, glazed ceramic, plastic foil, plaster (in-situ), dimensions variable; back: Steel, human hair, 128 x 97 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), styrodur, glass, 125 x 598 x 4,5 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox … into deliquescence, 2021, (detail), styrodur, glass, 125 x 598 x 4,5 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox … into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, aluminum, 20 x 53 x 35 cm, Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Exhibition View Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 07.11.21-23.01.22, Kunstverein Reutlingen; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Installation View …into deliquescence, 2021, front: …into deliquescence, 2021, styrodur, glass, rubber, glazed ceramic, steel, human hair, 140 x 390 x 337 cm, back (detail): …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, 104 x 239 x 6 cm; Courtesy: the artist, ©Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, ceramic with engobe, 104 x 239 x 6 cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach

Vera Kox …into deliquescence, 2021, front: …into deliquescence, 2021, glazed ceramic, glass, 70 x 107 x 74 cm, back: …into deliquescence, 2021, styrodur, glass, 125 x 598 x 4,5cm; Courtesy: the artist, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, Photo: Frank Kleinbach