
DON’T COME IN at Winterfeldt 31

Artists: Robert Brambora, Frank Bubenzer, Beth Collar, Hanna Fiegenbaum, Aleksander Hardashnakov, Maximilian Kirmse, Erik Larsson, Anna Lucia Nissen, Beatriz Olabarrieta, Seth Pick, Alex Rathbone, Adam Shiu-Yang Shaw, Stefanie Schwarzwimmer, Angharad Williams, Ilija Wyller, Griseldis Ziouech

Exhibition title: DON’T COME IN

Curated by: Anna Lucia Nissen and Alex Rathbone

Venue: Winterfeldt 31, Berlin, Germany

Date: April 28 – May 19, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists

What a blinding light!
It is so hot!
I hate sweating!
Why did I come out?
To the left.
The subway station…
No, the bus is better.
Right, I don´t have any money.
Nobody must see me.
Yes, of course.
Passing by Slumberland.
I can be there in 30 minutes.
Let´s go.
Let´s walk. Off we go.
Good. Full steam ahead.

Paraphrased extract from “Shaking Tokyo” by Bong Joon-ho

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