
Vampire at Acappella

Artists: Stefano Faoro, Inka Meißner, Max Schmidtlein, Monika Stricker, Stefan Thater

Exhibition title: Vampire

Organized by: Robert Müller

Venue: Acappella, Naples, Italy

Date: October 24 – December 14, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Acappella, Naples

Little Tobey, on the bottom of a barrel in the paper mill.
They wept all morning, and paper started to be soaked in the afternoon that day.
Some said, he might have been pushed, and some, “He fell!”
Was he a clumsy fellow?
A silver coin in his tiny hand, with just the face.
The body clean, as washed, pulp stained his hair.
No image left of Tobey, but a name.
(Alas,) poor Tobey…

Vampire, 2019, exhibition view, Acappella

Vampire, 2019, exhibition view, Acappella

Vampire, 2019, exhibition view, Acappella

Vampire, 2019, exhibition view, Acappella

Vampire, 2019, exhibition view, Acappella

Vampire, 2019, exhibition view, Acappella

Vampire, 2019, exhibition view, Acappella

Stefano Faoro, untitled (giallo), 2019, inkjet print on pvc, 60 x 80 cm; Stefano Faoro, untitled (onorato), 2019, inkjet print on pvc, 60 x 80 cm

Stefano Faoro, untitled (cabinet), 2019, inkjet print on pvc, 60 x 80 cm

Monika Stricker, untitled (Kronenburg), 2019, crayon on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm; Monika Stricker, untitled (Kronenburg), 2019, crayon on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm

Monika Stricker, untitled (Kronenburg), 2019, crayon on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm; Monika Stricker, untitled (Kronenburg), 2019, crayon on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm

Max Schmidtlein, “sleepy”, 2018, Oil, lacquer and acrylics on synthetic fabrics, 78 x 135 cm

Max Schmidtlein, Oelle 2, 2013-2019, oil and acrylics on photographic wallpaper, 240 x 88 cm

Max Schmidtlein, Oelle 3, 2013-2019, oil and acrylics on photographic wallpaper, 244 x 91 cm

Robert Müller, untitled (insel 925/45), 2019, red chalk on paper, framed, 33,5 x 50 cm

Robert Müller, untitled (insel 925/11), 2019, red and white chalk on paper, framed, 33,5 x 50 cm

Inka Meißner, untitled, 2019, aquatint and etching on paper, 64,5 x cm 56 cm

Inka Meißner, untitled, 2019, aquatint and etching on paper, 64,5 x 97 cm

Stefan Thater, untitled, 2019, oil, acrylics on styrofoam, ink on paper, 27,5 x 19 cm; Stefan Thater, untitled, 2019, oil, acrylics on styrofoam, ink on paper, 27,5 x 18 cm; Stefan Thater, untitled, 2019, oil, acrylics on styrofoam, ink on paper, 31 x 20 cm; Stefan Thater, untitled, 2019, oil, acrylics on styrofoam, ink on paper, 27 x 20 cm

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