Michiel Ceulers at Nicodim

Artists: Michiel Ceulers (featuring Kaspar Bosmans, Wim De Pauw, Birde Vanheerswynghels, and Benjamin Verhoeven)

Exhibition title: Scissor Valley People (Birds of a Feather Flock Together)

Venue: Nicodim, Los Angeles, US

Date: July 17 – August 21, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Nicodim, Los Angeles

Natsuyasumi: In the Beginning Was Love at Nonaka-Hill

Artists: Masaya Chiba, Cobra, Motoyuki Daifu, Koichi Enomoto, Daisuke Fukunaga, Nanami Hori, Kyoko Idetsu, Ulala Imai, Yusuke Saito, Takuro Tamayama, Tadanori Yokoo

Exhibition title: Natsuyasumi: In the Beginning Was Love

Venue: Nonaka-Hill, Los Angeles, US

Date: July 28 – September 11, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Nonaka-Hill, Los Angeles