Rhetoric at Aran Cravey

Artists: Marco Braunschweiler, Jibade-Khalil Huffman, Kate Steciw, Martine Syms Exhibition title: Rhetoric Venue: Aran Cravey, Los Angeles, US Date: November 15 – January 24, 2015 Photography: Courtesy of Aran Cravey Aran Cravey is pleased to present Rhetoric, an exhibition of new works by Marco Braunschweiler, Jibade-Khalil Huffman, Kate Steciw and Martine Syms. The opening reception will … Read more

Megan Francis Sullivan at Midway Contemporary Art

Artist: Megan Francis Sullivan Exhibition title: click click, space space Venue: Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, US Date: November 7 – December 20, 2014 Photography: Courtesy of Midway Contemporary Art In 1856, the British shipping magnate Frederick R. Leyland hired the American artist James Whistler as an advisor for the redecoration of his dining room. What was to … Read more

Three Cups Fragrance at Bodega


Artists: Elizabeth Atterbury, Moyra Davey, Lukas Geronimas, Oto Gillen, Tom Humphreys, Kyle Thurman

Exhibition title: Three Cups Fragrance

Venue: Bodega, New York, US

Date: November 21 – December 21, 2014

Photography: Courtesy of Bodega

Note: Bodega is now called Derosia: https://www.derosia.nyc/

