Synecdoche at Jessica Silverman Gallery

Artists: Julie Beaufils, Vincent Fecteau, Henry Gunderson, Tony Lewis and B. Ingrid Olson Exhibition title: Synecdoche Venue: Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco, US Date: July 1 – August 22, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco Synecdoche / syn·ec·do·che / si’nɛkd”ki / n. 1  a figure of speech in which … Read more

Against Automatism at fused space

Artists: Jason Benson, Alex Dordoy, Paul Kos, Abu B Mansaray K.r.m. Mooney, Sydney Shen, Thomas Wachholz Exhibition title: Against Automatism Curated by: Jessica Silverman Venue: fused space, San Francisco, US Date: July 9 – September 5, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and fused space, San Francisco In a world where mechanization rules, … Read more

Quite Fairly Rather at Topless

Artists: Lauren Clay, Carey Denniston, Hanne Lippard Exhibition title: Quite Fairly Rather Venue: Topless, Rockaway Beach, New York, US Date: July 25 – August 9, 2015 Photography: Images courtesy of the artists and Topless, New York The tide rolls in and the tide rolls out. Taking with it the shifting planar remembrances upon which we used to stand. … Read more