Everyone an Island After All? (Part II) at GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst

Artists: Loretta Fahrenholz, Sonia Gomes, Chris Reinecke, Tarona, Annette Wehrmann, Hodan-Ali Farah, Aria Farajnezhad, Anneli Käsmayr, Till Krause, Effrosyni Kontogeorgou, Bubu Mosiashvili, Nyabinghi Lab, Claudia Piepenbrock, Tim Reinecke, Dana Reina Téllez, Tropez, Doris Weinberger

Exhibition title: Everyone an Island After All? (Part II)

Venue: GAK Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst, Bremen, Germany

Date: September 9 – November 5, 2023

Photography: All images copyright and courtesy of the artists and GAK Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst

Everyone an Island After All? at GAK Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst

Artists: Hodan-Ali Farah, Irmgard Emmelhainz, Aria Farajnezhad, Sonia Gomes, Anneli Käsmayr, Silvia Kolbowski, Effrosyni Kontogeorgou, Bubu Mosiashvili, Patricia Okkels, Claudia Piepenbrock, Dana Reina Téllez, Chris Reinecke, Tim Reinecke, Elif Saydam, Doris Weinberger

Exhibition title: Everyone an Island After All?

Venue: GAK Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst, Bremen, Germany

Date: May 27 – June 27, 2023

Photography: All images copyright and courtesy of the artists and GAK Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst

Interludium I at GAK


Artists: Christian Haake, Claudia Kapp, Janis E. Müller, Tim Reinecke, Sebastian Reuschel, Matthias Ruthenberg, SEX, Irene Strese

Exhibition title: Interludium I

Curated by: Svea Kellner

Venue: GAK (Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst), Bremen, Germany

Date:  March 4 – April 9, 2016

Photography: Tobias Hübel, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and GAK



Inside The City. Public Space And Free Space at GAK

Artists: Arno Auer, Eva Berendes, Bouillon Group, Anetta Mona Chisa & Lucia Tkacova, Dilettantin Produktionsbüro, Fort, Kasia Fudakowski, Knut Henrik Henriksen, Marcel Hiller, Tobias Hübel, Till Krause, Kate Newby, Ahmet Ögüt, Tim Reinecke, Julika Rudelius, Max Schaffer, Z. Schmidt, Maya Schweize Exhibition title: Inside The City. Public Space And Free Space Venue: GAK (Gesellschaft für … Read more