How my mom got hacked at DASH

Artists: Aline Bouvy, Adam Cruces, Tilman Hornig, Nicolas Pelzer Exhibition title: How my mom got hacked  Venue: DASH, Kortrijk, Belgium Date: October 17 – November 14, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and DASH, Kortrijk Aline Bouvy, The extensibility of all objects and creatures in the universe, 2015 Tilman Hornig, Pro Work ( TXT … Read more

Deep Screen at Parc Saint Léger

Artists: Jean-Marie Appriou, Cory Arcangel, Bastien Aubry & Dimitri Broquard, Dewar & Gicquel, Piero Gilardi, Tilman Hornig, Renaud Jerez, Rachel de Joode, Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle, Marlie Mul, Owen Piper, Hayley Tompkins, Anne de Vries Exhibition title:  Deep Screen Venue:  Parc Saint Léger, Centre d’art contemporain, Pougues-les-Eaux, France Date: March 14 – May 24, 2015 … Read more


Artists: Paul Barsch, Burkhard Beschow, Adam Cruces, Zack Davis, Anne Fellner, Tilman Hornig, Aoto Oouchi, Thomas Payne, Clemence de La Tour du Pin, Camilla Steinum, Ronny Szillo Exhibition title:  CRASH Concept and Curation: Paul Barsch, Burkhard Beschow, Tilman Hornig With written contributions by: Joseph Hernandez and d3signbur3au Date:  January 17, 2015 Photography: Stefan Haehnel & Paul Barsch … Read more