Kai Althoff at MoMA


Artist: Kai Althoff

Exhibition title: and then leave me to the common swifts (und dann überlasst mich den Mauerseglern)

Venue: MoMA, New York, US

Date: September 18, 2016 – January 22, 2017

Photography: © Kai Althoff, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and MoMA, New York



Against Interpretation at 265 Canal Street

Against Interpretation-14

Artists: Barbora Kleinhamplová and Jan Brož, John Russell, Mindy Rose Schwartz, Paul Thek

Exhibition title: Against Interpretation

Curated by: Adriana Blidaru

Venue: 265 Canal Street, New York, US

Date: December 15 – 21, 2016

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists

Against Interpretation-1

Against Interpretation-32