Der 01.01.3000 ist ein Mittwoch at Smallville

Artists: Beni Bischof, Emma Bourdieu, Fabian Boschung, Natacha Donzé, Hadrien Dussoix, Marie Griesmar, Renaud Loda, Camille Pellaux, Helen Stephenson

Exhibition title: Der 01.01.3000 ist ein Mittwoch

Venue: Smallville Espace d’art contemporain, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Date: March 18 – July 1, 2023

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Smallville, Neuchâtel

Note: Exhibition’s floor plan is available here

Governmental Fires at Futura

Artists: Kobby Adi, Tony Cokes, Kevin Desbouis, Natacha Donzé, Rhea Dillon, Ella Finer, Jason Hendrik Hansma, Monika E. Kazi, Joshua Leon, Olu Ogunnaike, Stanley Schtinter, Oliver Tirré, Abbas Zahedi

Exhibition title: Governmental Fires

Curated by: Cédric Fauq

Venue: Futura, Prague, The Czech Republic

Date: May 5 – June 30, 2021

Photography: Tomas Souček / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Futura, Prague


Artists: Jacques Bonnard, Tina Braegger, Natacha Donzé, Sylvie Fleury, Frédéric Gabioud, Stéphane Kropf, Miriam Laura Leonardi, Thomas Liu Le Lann, Charly Mirambeau, Denis Savary, Claire Van Lubeek, Romane De Watteville

Exhibition title: Duna Bianca

A Proposal by: Alfredo Aceto

Venue: DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM, Berlin, Germany

Date: February 8 – May 16, 2020

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM, Lausanne