Panorama #03 at Galería Fran Reus

Artists: Guillem S. Arquer, Vittorio Bianchi, Jacobo Bugarín, Joan Cabrer, Robert Cervera, Garcia_Fernández, Irati Inoriza, Christian Lagata, Mercedes Pimiento, Miquel Ponce, Helena Vinent

Exhibition title: Panorama #03

Venue: Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca, Spain

Date: December 13, 2019 – March 12, 2020

Photography: Grimalt de Blanch / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

Rafa Munárriz at Galería Pelaires

Artist: Rafa Munárriz

Exhibition title: Espacios que estructuran acciones

Venue: Galería Pelaires, Mallorca, Spain

Date: December 18, 2019 – March 13, 2020

Photography: ©Roberto Ruiz, ©Grimalt de Blanch / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Galería Pelaires

Note: Text by Caterina Avataneo is available here