TIERE at Catherine Zeta

Artists: Perihan Arpacilar, Lutz Braun, Yvo Cho, Whitney Claflin, Larry Clark, Magnus Frederik Clausen, Martin Galle, Sophie Gogl, Ellen Gronemeyer, Behrang Karimi, John Kayser, Harmony Korine, Stanislava Kovalcikova, Cécile Lempert, Jochen Lempert, Mads Lindberg, Paul Maciejowski, Birgit Megerle, Simon Mielke, Ebecho Muslimova, Yu Nishimura, Albert Oehlen, David Ostrowski, Christos Pappas, Tobias Pils, Joanna Piotrowska, Michail Pirgelis, Sophie Reinhold, Torbjørn Rødland, Mark von Schlegell, Tobias Hohn, Stanton Taylor, Rosemarie Trockel, Angharad Williams, Amelie von Wulffen, Mark van Yetter, Marco Zumbé

Exhibition title: TIERE

Venue: Catherine Zeta, Cologne, Germany

Date: November 15 – 19, 2022

Photography: Mareike Tocha / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Catherine Zeta, Cologne

Don’t Forget Your Mask at Jahn und Jahn

Artists: Michael Croissant, Julius Heinemann, Ernst Wilhelm Nay, Kirsten Ortwed, Fred Sandback, Thomas Arnolds, Heinz Butz, Wolfram Erber, Imi Knoebel, Barry Le Va, Karel Appel, Georg Baselitz, Karl Bohrmann, Georg Fuchssteiner, Henri Michaux, Alexi Tsioris, William N. Copley, Isa Genzken, Konrad Klapheck, Karin Kneffel, Gerhard Richter, Lutz Braun, Matthias Dornfeld, Ioan Grosu, Erwin Pfrang, Paula Rego, Sebastian Dacey, Hedwig Eberle, Hermann Nitsch, Stefan Vogel

Exhibition title: Don’t Forget Your Mask: Don’t (Part I: Don’t Forget Your Mask), Forget (Part II: Don’t Forget Your Mask), Your Mask (Part III: Don’t Forget Your Mask)

Venue: Jahn und Jahn, Munich, Germany

Date: June 16 – July 28, 2020

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Jahn und Jahn, Munich

Bright Light at Gussglashalle

Artists: Immanuel Birkert, Lutz Braun, Real Madrid, Raphael Danke, Johannes Wald, Julius Heinemann, Maximilian Kirmse, Marieta Chirulescu, Leon Eisermann, Talisa Lallai, Philipp Modersohn

Exhibition title: Bright Light

Curated by: Domenico de Chirico

Venue: Gussglashalle, Berlin, Germany

Date: June 1 – 2, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Gussglashalle, Berlin